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▪️NPC Market

This is Rax-07, the NPC space pirate that are always ready to buy the resources you extracted. If you need some fast cash here is the best place to sell resources. Prices vary depending offer, demand

Every time players trade or excavate resources the supply vary. When is excavated the supply increase and when is sold to Rax-07 (NPC) they are burned. This is a simple mechanism that easily balance the offer/demand, allowing the chance to buy and sell resources for an extra income, or just use them to create new game assets in the Crafting Room. You can sell resources in the marketplace settling your own price per unit and we ensure that the price are backed by the NPC offer as a price wall, it means that will be difficult to dump it intentionally because if players try to sell under the NPC price it open a resale/flip opportunity for others.

The algorithm behind this method is a smart one, you just follow the price and sell at the best rate, every day rate changes based on factors that we cannot share to avoid exploit.

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